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Design Your Life Centre

The Design Your Life Centre ( DYLC ) created by Dr. Stacy Thomas, is a Psychology practice that approaches the practice with innovation. It diverts from the traditional idea of the patient-therapist approach and it looks at it more as a journey and the practitioners are more guides in the journey of re discovering one's true essence.

I've worked directly with Dr. Stacy to transition her practice from the Dr. Stacy brand to the expanded practice created with The Design Your Life Centre. 

Main projects include the re-design of the website and a Client Gift Box for new clients or those interested in taking the next steps to self-discovery in their journey. The Client Gift Box involved concept development and then the design of various individual elements, from the box itself to the Culture Book.

Website Re-Design


Culture Book

Client Gift Box

© 2024 Behnod Creative Studio | Daniela Behnod

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